Saturday 1 September 2012

The Best Foods & Vitamins for Eye Problems From Diabetes

Eye problems are a common complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Upward of 45 percent of diagnosed diabetics have mild to severe vision problems, the National Eye Institute reports. The condition is also known as retinopathy and results from damage to the retina portion of the eye--the part of the eye responsible for seeing detail. To reduce your risk of retinopathy be sure to manage your blood sugars closely with your doctor and dietitian. In addition, consider adding these foods and vitamins to your diabetic diet.

Yellow Corn

Diabetics are at heightened risk of experiencing damage to the macula portion of the retina. Significant damage to the macula can lead to macular degeneration--the leading cause of vision loss in older people. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two powerful antioxidants that protect the macula from damage caused by free radicals--harmful molecules that destroy healthy eye cells. Yellow corn is the vegetable with the highest concentration of these two nutrients. Other foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin include kale, spinach and eggs. You can use yellow corn as an ingredient in soups, stews or tossed into fresh salads.




Diabetics with high blood pressure are at an increased risk of vision problems. Elevated blood pressure--known as hypertension--impairs blood flow to the eye, preventing the flow of nutrients and waste to and from the eye. A diet rich in vitamin C may be able to lower blood pressure by relaxing your nervous system. Broccoli is very rich in vitamin C. One cup of broccoli contains more than 100 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Also, broccoli is very low in dietary sodium. Eating a diet with sodium-rich foods is associated with hypertension.


The National Eye Institute states that high cholesterol levels in diabetics may boost eye problem risk. To keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range eat a low saturated and trans fat diet, maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly. In addition, consider adding fiber-rich foods like chickpeas into your diet. A diet rich in dietary fiber can decrease blood cholesterol levels. Eating 240 g of chickpeas provides 10 g of fiber. At the supermarket, opt for fresh chickpeas as opposed to the canned variety. Canned chickpeas contain significant amounts of sodium.